Ways to Support

"It is because of donor generosity that Summer Street has become one of the most progressive, participant focused organizations in the province." Summer Street Foundation President, Michael Corkum

There are a variety of ways that you can support Summer Street participants and programs. We invite you to review the options and if you have questions please don't hesitate to call our Executive Director, Bob Bennett at 902-759-6693 or email bob@summerstreet.ca.


Pledge a Golfer

To support an individual golfer or team on-line click here. From there simply follow the prompts.


Cash Gifts

Cash gifts are often given on anniversaries, birthdays or as memorial gifts in the name of a loved one. These can be in the form of cash, a cheque or donated on-line via Canada Helps. To make an on-line donation, simply fill out the form at the bottom of this page. It's that easy! All these gifts are tax deductible.


A Gift in Your Will

This is a provision in your will or estate plan that would allocate all or a part of it to Summer Street. Any amount provided for in a will may qualify as a tax deduction for the estate, which could reduce the amount of tax when the estate is settled. Bequests of this nature have long-term value to Summer Street and the people we serve.

We understand that making a gift in your will is a very personal and private decision. Please discuss the possibility of helping Summer Street with your family and legal and/or financial advisors.  You may find that leaving a gift in your will is a good option for you and your family.


A Gift of Life Insurance

This is an arrangement in which you designate a life insurance policy to Summer Street as the “owner” or “beneficiary” of the policy.

In the case of Summer Street as the owner, any future premiums you may opt to pay on the policy could be tax deductible and the cash value of the gift may be tax deductible at the time your estate is settled.

In the case of Summer Street as the policy beneficiary, Summer Street receives the value at the time the estate is settled and the estate could benefit from reduced taxes, however the premiums you pay are not tax deductible.


A Gift of Securities

You can give shares as a gift and may receive a tax receipt on their current value without incurring any capital gains tax on accumulated value during the time the shares were owned. If the shares are sold however and then given as a gift to Summer Street, there could be a capital tax payment to be made on the accumulated value.


A Gift of Property 

This is similar to a gift of securities with the tax credit based on the current value of the property. The property could be a cottage, a painting or some other type of property. Once again there may be a capital gains tax on the accumulated value of the property that will have to be paid.


In-Memorial Donations

We appreciate that making a donation in memory of a loved one is a private and personal decision.  If you would like to make an in-memorial donation to Summer Street please let us know. Your donation will be promptly acknowledged according to your wishes.


Other Options

There are a variety of other gifts that include annuities, trusts and strip bonds, all of which bring benefit to Summer Street while realizing a tax credit to you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss the option that suits you best.


To learn more about ways you can support Summer Street, call Bob Bennett, Executive Director at 902-755-2057.
