Desire to respect rights and create informed policy led to the establishment of the Summer Street Participant Council.
With 200 program participants; over 30 staff; 2000 donors; thousands of customers; and a network of partners, Summer Street is a vibrant part of the Pictou County community. We offer a full spectrum of programs and services to meet the diverse needs of the people we serve. We are driven by the desire for an equal playing field where everyone is treated with fairness and respect – including adults with intellectual disability.
“We’re a person-directed organization”, says Director of Services, Dorothy Doyle “helping participants achieve a work life balance based upon personal interests and choices is our priority”.
Our direction comes from the people we serve. This means we meet the unique and diverse needs and desires of individuals as much as possible. Our spectrum of services take into account personal interests and varying degrees of ability and independence.
As new skills are developed, levels of independence, desires and opportunities can change and new doors open. Our goal is to provide choices that help each person achieve a meaningful work life balance of their choosing. At the end of the day, all outcomes are measured by whether or not we have improved a participant’s quality of life.
For more information, call Dorothy Doyle, Director of Services at 902-396-8809.